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Approved vendor for:

iLead Exploration Schools,

Sage Oak Charter Schools, Gorman Learning, and Blue Ridge Academy.



Tuesday afternoons

15 weeks divided into 3 week blocks. Once weekly classes cover pencil drawing, acrylic painting, watercolor, collage and printmaking, and sculpture.

How To Enroll

  1. Read class descriptions using age group buttons.

  2. Save a spot for your child by enrolling student(s) using our registration system.

  3. You will not have to pay by enrolling, simply use the coupon codes below to let us know you are starting the PO process.

  4. Follow up with your facilitator to generate the necessary purchase order. Students must have a PO in place before starting class.

Coupon Codes:

ileadexplore for iLead Exploration

sageoak for Sage Oak Charter Schools

glc for Gorman Learning

blueridge for Blue Ridge Academy

Because of requirements put forth by schools, funds may only be used for the classes listed on this page.

Starts 9/3


"My 10 year old son is just finishing up ARTree's "Art Exploration" class and I can't tell you how much he is enjoying it! We love how the class is taught by various instructors who bring their passions and talents and share it with the students. As a parent I love how each class has purpose and instruction built into it, but of course my son just loves the experience of all the fun and creative projects he has been able to do. This class is a bit of a drive for us, but it has been worth it-- so much so that we are planning on taking another class next term. Thank you ARTree!!"


Seriously, Thank you to you and your wonderful staff! It's been such a pleasure. 

--Grace Chung, iLead Mom

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